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Want road woes? Check Old East, too

It is good to read that there will be a new merge lane onto the Pat Bay Highway northbound at Sayward Road.

It is good to read that there will be a new merge lane onto the Pat Bay Highway northbound at Sayward Road. I was disappointed to note that there does not appear to be a plan to build a safe right-turnoff lane onto Old East Road, just north of Sayward Road.

This turnoff is particularly hazardous at rush hour, when traffic is up to full speed by that point, with very few opportunities for right-hand-lane traffic to move over to the left lane.

Turning onto Old East Road means risking getting rear-ended, or maintaining speed past the light pole and having to slam on the brakes to slow down on the hill.

It also a bad spot due to the number of drivers using the southbound turnoff lane to execute U-turns, potentially colliding with traffic turning off northbound. Altogether, it can be very unsafe.

My previous recommendation to the ministry to correct this situation was apparently ignored. I hope that their safety planners use this opportunity to do a complete job on this stretch of highway.

Mike Brossard

Central Saanich