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What is the content of marine sewage?

Re: "Look to the animals for sewage solution," Aug. 12. The writer raises a relevant question, which apparently the Capital Regional District has not addressed.

Re: "Look to the animals for sewage solution," Aug. 12.

The writer raises a relevant question, which apparently the Capital Regional District has not addressed.

I asked the CRD staff about a year ago for an estimate of the annual amount of "natural" excrement from marine life, and was told that they do not keep that sort of information. I would expect that marine excrement to be just that - toxic-chemical-free, except for what they pick up from humans.

I wanted to know the ratio of human to marine excrement: If it is largely human and includes toxic substances, there may be an argument for this very expensive disposal plant; if it is largely marine, the argument for it is weaker.

John Goudy
