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Esquimalt policing debate not so simplistic

Mayor: Editorial didn't give readers the full picture on controversy

Border reality show should be interesting

Re: "Border Services union wary of reality-television exposure," Aug. 30. Border guards photographed for this TV series may indeed be wary.

Abbott lightens up away from the public eye

George Abbott had just announced his resignation as the province's education minister and now he was in our Victoria studio a few minutes later, making like a stand-up comedian. Or, more precisely, a sit-down comedian.

Museum is hurt by funding cuts

The Royal sa国际传媒 Museum is giving you a chance to help pick its big travelling exhibit for 2015. The five choices are fascinating.

Be worried when U.S. bangs the drum

When political leaders in the U.S. start talking about restoring "America's" place in the world, the world should take uneasy notice. It may mean that another crusade is being contemplated somewhere around the globe.

Youth of today capable of the unexpected

I was out for a walk through Pioneer Square one recent evening when I noticed a young man at the main monument in the centre of the park. He was on his hands and knees in front of it with a bucket, soap and a hard brush.

Discovery of chairs a delightful story

Re: "Rare chairs a gift from heaven for poor church," Aug. 30. For several reasons, I was delighted to read the article about the discovery of two Ming dynasty chairs at St. Matthias Church.

Thumbs Up/ Thumbs Down

THUMBS UP - To the unknown donor, who sometime in the past gave two Ming-dynasty chairs to St. Matthias Anglican Church. The chairs will be auctioned by Sotheby's in New York on Sept.

English ivy needs to be eradicated

Re: "Ivy faces chop from store wall," Aug. 23. Removing the ivy from the former Zellers store in Tillicum Mall is a positive move, and I only wish we could eliminate all our local ivy.

Modify Lear aircraft into fighter jets

While recently watching a TV program on the Learjet 65, it occurred to me: Cancel the purchase order for F-35 stealth fighters and order Canadian military specification Lear jets to meet our future requirements.