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Savoie's pension very much deserved

Re: "MP's pension raises question of parity," Aug. 26. The writer's criticism of Denise Savoie's pension is surprising to me.

Cross-border legislation works both ways

Re: "Do we really want U.S. police working on Canadian soil?" Aug. 26. Columnist Jim Hume gives unwarranted importance to the results of an informal CBC query in which the majority of responders said no to: "Should U.S.

Ah, the pleasures of handwritten letters

I received an unexpected postcard in the mail the other day from an old friend. It made my day. It's been a long time since I've gotten a handwritten letter from a friend - it has to be 10 or 15 years.

Remembering the end of the Avro Arrow

Re: "Federal funding helps aerospace centre lift off," Aug. 25. It is great to see a new impetus for aircraft design coming to Victoria. I worked on the final assembly of the CF-100 jet fighter in 1952-53 at Avro Malton in Ontario.

Armstrong reminds of age of innocence

If there's one song that captures the mood of Neil Armstrong's 1969 walk on the moon, it's Bookends, by Simon and Garfunkel: "A time it was, and what a time it was, it was. A time of innocence - ." Of course, it was a time of turbulence, too.

Pipelines the latest challenge to First Nations

Federal, provincial governments must respect their responsibilities

That first step may be the last

Neil Armstrong's moon landing was surely one of the 20th century's most iconic events. None of us who watched those grainy images on our television screens will ever forget the moment. The space program was full of promise in those days.

Try to survive the weekend

With the last long weekend of the summer coming up, one in which many folks like to max out on their last opportunity to enjoy water adventuring before the cooler fall temperatures claim that pastime, the sa国际传媒 Coroners Service has a sombre warning.

Quebecers consistently confound stereotypes

A the height of her now famous confrontation with Fran莽is Legault near the end of Wednesday's televised t脙陋te-脙聽-t脙陋te, Parti Qu脙漏b脙漏cois leader Pauline Marois attempted to play down the fears he was doing his best to raise over her proposed referend

Look in the mirror for deer problem

Re: "Deer will keep on feeding while humans dither," Aug.