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Reservation fees not family-friendly

For the first time, the provincial government has imposed reservation fees to campgrounds in the semi-remote Strathcona Park area (namely Suttle Lake and Ralph River campsites).
Cancer surgery delays haven't improved

Cancer surgery delays haven't improved

Re: "Cancer patient faces surgery delay," July 28. It was distressing to read about the delays in obtaining diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. I had hoped things would have improved since I went through the same process nearly three years ago.

Licence-plate tracking useful tool for police

Re: "Police chief backs licence tracking," Aug. 2. Police Chief Jamie Graham stated the obvious. If you have nothing to hide you should have nothing to worry about. Any new tool to help the police do their job should be welcomed.

Committee members should share blame

Re: "Cummins calls for Speaker to resign over finance mess," July 31.

TLC needs to get finances in order

Re: "Unpaid taxes could force sale of several TLC properties," July 31. Sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg, and nothing new for The Land Conservancy.

It's tough to live on disability pension

I live on a disability pension from the province, which gives me $906 a month to live on. Of this, $375 is earmarked for rent, hydro, phone, cable. I would challenge anyone who is unable to work to survive on this with any kind of dignity.

Farming deer might be a solution

Recently, two people resigned from the Capital Regional District's advisory group, which is trying to formulate a deer-management plan. Their complaint seems to be, among other things, that nobody can give them a deer-population number.

Retiring MP's pension disgusting

Re: "Oda exits politics, regrets bill but not the juice," Aug. 1. Tell me it ain't so! Former cabinet minister Bev Oda, after eight years service, is now eligible for a parliamentary pension of $52,183 a year.

Landlords shouldn't rule out smokers

When I first started looking for an apartment in Victoria, I was amazed at how often landlords post ads requiring tenants to be non-smokers and generally prohibiting pets, particularly dogs. I am a moderate smoker and I enjoy the company of my dog.

TLC membership a gift that gives

I have been a member of The Land Conservancy for a number of years and have sent donations when I could. My sister's family regularly receives a family TLC membership from me as a Christmas present.