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I'm sitting in the lobby of the Crystal Pool & Fitness Centre, blogging away...when one of the employees comes up to the row of vending machines to my right, she turns to me and says, "Awww...well...

I'm sitting in the lobby of the Crystal Pool & Fitness Centre, blogging away...when one of the employees comes up to the row of vending machines to my right, she turns to me and says, "Awww...well...I can't go and get cheesies now with you sitting right there."

I love that this is the effect I have on people. It used to be that I was the devil on everyone's shoulder...yes, have the tortilla chips...may I recommend a nice sugary drink to go with, or perhaps some beer with those nachos? Now, all I have to do is sit here...and people rethink their choices. Ha!

Visit Suzie's blog...
OMG..what if I don't have a pretty face?

And with that said, I'm off to the Eating Disorders Clinic for an orientation.