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Week 4 – Will someone eat the last freakin’ lemon tart PLEASE!!

Well I have made it to week 4 – it was another tough one! What did I learn this week – 1. That calamari from Whitespot is not a healthy choice and it may be mixed with pig butt if the internet is to be believed! 2.

Well I have made it to week 4 – it was another tough one! What did I learn this week – 1. That calamari from Whitespot is not a healthy choice and it may be mixed with pig butt if the internet is to be believed! 2. I need to get a tan before I have my picture posted in the newspaper 3. That having a bad week doesn’t mean that you failed it just means that you need to try harder next week and 4. Sometimes you are just taking it one minute at a time.

Weekends are harder for me to stick to healthier eating because there is usually alot going on and that means I need to plan when I’m going to eat and what I’m going to eat. I didn’t do too bad but I did use up my ‘other’ treat options on one too many drinks this weekend (kids were at Grandma’s!) As well to top it off it was Valentine’s Day and my super-supportive (please note I am being sarcastic) co-worker brought in treats from the Dutch Bakery. I resisted as long as I could then finally succumbed and had half a lemon tart. I was proud of myself because in years past I probably would have eaten atleast 2 of them. Friday rolls around and there is still one lemon tart left in the kitchen, my willpower was quickly fading so I sent an AllStaff email around begging someone to eat it and put me out of my misery. Thankfully someone ate it before I went in the kitchen – crisis diverted!!

Here’s a pic of my son when he was about 8 months old in Hawaii making an unhealthy eating choice (sand!) – I guess he inherited that from me!

Eating sand

Here`s a little more about how I got to where I am today: I was never a super skinny teenager but played lots of sports so I think it helped keep my weight in check. I had my beautiful daughter when I was 25 and gained 60lbs. I lost just over 30 in the first month (I still have no idea how). Then struggled to lose the last 30 and lost more but never really got all the way back. I was playing co-ed summer soccer about 3 years later when I broke my leg going for a 50/50 ball against a guy (Not to taint your view of co-ed soccer but – boys can usually kick way harder than girls so if you see them charging for a ball and you are a girl you might want to back off a little), on came another 5-10lbs that I never really lost, fast forward a few years later and in another bid to get healthy I was riding my bike to work and wiped out on some black ice and hurt my shoulder, on came another 5-10lbs that I never really lost, fast forward another few years and I gained 60lbs when I was pregnant with my son (you would think I would have learned my lesson the first time!), same thing – I lost 35ish the first month then struggled with the rest, then this year I was playing soccer in Sooke and tore my lateral meniscus and had surgery in November and wait for it you will be so surprised….I gained probably another 10lbs. So here I am today trying yet again to get myself in shape but thankfully this time I have professional help so hopefully I will be much more successful than in the past (fingers crossed!)

Here’s how my week went:
Monday – I worked out at home with my new exercise bands – it was ok but I felt I should have done more
Tuesday – Lunch time bootcamp – it was alot of leg work and my legs are still sore!
Wednesday – Early morning workout at Westshore Rec – I guess as punishment for something my lovely trainer Dana decided it was time to increase my weights – Yeah (again please note I am being sarcastic!!)
Thursday – Missed my bootcamp – too much craziness at work :(
Friday – Early morning spin class at Westshore Rec – I felt like a real spinner (is that what they are called?) as I actually wore spandex to class.

Here’s hoping next week will be alot better – I have my first exam on Saturday so I’m hoping the exercise will help keep me focused when I am studying all week!

Here’s a to my article that was in the sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ this week.

Till next time.

Laters baby!

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