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Week 9 - Meah!! Can we just move onto Week 10 please and thank you?

Week 9 - What did I learn this week - 1. Sometimes you don't just have bad day you have a bad week :( 2. I need to stay in more hotels to replenish my supply of stolen mini soaps and shampoos etc. 3.

Week 9 - What did I learn this week - 1. Sometimes you don't just have bad day you have a bad week :( 2. I need to stay in more hotels to replenish my supply of stolen mini soaps and shampoos etc. 3. I must be getting old – I am officially a mother to a 14 year old!Ìý

More on lesson 1 - I had a bad day or 2 last week and somehow that carried forward to this week as well.Ìý I only managed to exercise 3 times this week which is disappointing because I wanted to pick it up for the last 4 weeks for the 12 week Happy Challenge not back track.Ìý I don’t really have much of an excuse but I will try to make some up to make myself feel better even though I know I only have myself to blame.Ìý

Excuse #1 – I was rewarding myself for all my hard work so far.Ìý

Excuse #2 – I had to get caught up on homework so I couldn’t find an hour to exercise.Ìý (I did pass my weekly quiz and one of the seven management quizzes I have to complete which is good – but if I really tried I am sure I could have fit some exercise in there too.)

Excuse #3 – This ties into my lesson learned #3 – It was my beautiful daughter Jasmyn’s 14th birthday so of course I had to have cake and pizza and chips and let’s just stop there.Ìý (And more than 1 helping!)

More on lesson 3 – My daughter turned 14 on St. Patrick’s Day – 14?!?!?Ìý How can I be a mother to a 14 year old?? – I feel like I should be acting way more mature to be a mother of a 14 year old – I am pretty sure there are times when I act 14 - (like this week for one)!!Ìý She is turning into an awesome young lady and we are super proud of her.Ìý We are lucky to be her parents (most of the time :) ) Here is one of my favourite pics of me and Jasmyn when she was 9:

Me and JJ


On the plus side my 4 year old told me that I only weigh 2 pounds and his dad weighs 6 pounds.Ìý I love that he has no concept of weight, or time or height etc.Ìý I miss not having a care in the world and the worst part of your day is when you have to turn Netflix off and go to bed.Ìý Here is a pic of me at 4 when I am pretty sure my biggest concern was learning how to ride a bike or torture my younger sisters:

Ìýme at 4


I forgot to mention that the week before I actually ran on an elliptical for 30 mins at the gym one lunch (do you call it running on an elliptical – I don’t know – I feel like there should be some other word for it).Ìý Anyway I was pleasantly surprised that I did as well as I did.Ìý That was the first time I have ‘ran’ for that long in months so I have a faint hope that I will survive the 10K – that I haven’t done any training for yet – I want to get more running in over the next few weeks or I know I will be in trouble.Ìý Hopefully the weather stays nice and I will have one less excuse!

More on lesson 2 – Any time I stay at a hotel I feel the need to steal all the little soaps and shampoos – I don’t even think it is technically stealing because I am pretty sure they leave them for you to take but I like to think of it as stealing so I can feel like a bad a$$!Ìý Anyway my point is that now that I have started exercising and showering away from home so much I have finally found a need for all the soaps I have stolen over the years, my supply is running low , I need to stay in a hotel one night to restock.Ìý Or I guess I could just refill the empty bottles but ‘stealing’ them will be a lot funner!!

Food wise last week was a bust and exercise wise was the following:

Monday and Wednesday morning – early morning workout at Westshore Rec – I think my trainer must of known I was going to have a bad week because when I was doing a plank (which is hard in itself by the way!) she put a 25lb weight on my back – just to make it harder for me – Awesome!!Ìý But I am strangely proud of fact that I managed to balance on an upside down Bosu ball at my workout this week.Ìý I thought there was no way I would be able to do it but I think I did pretty good.

Tuesday – Julie and I went to lunchtime bootcamp and the regular trainer wasn’t there so I found the class harder to follow then usual – Julie and I were both disappointed and then I flaked on her on Thursday so we need to pick it back up next week.

ÌýHere's for a better week next weekÌý- only 3 weeks left!!

Till next time.......

Laters baby!!