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Weigh-In Wednesday #8

Gratitude, not attitude. Gratitude, not attitude. Gratitude, not attitude. This is my new mantra, especially after Weigh-in Wednesday's results. Starting weight: 292.1 1st weigh-in: 286.8 2nd weigh-in: 280.1 3rd weigh-in: 276.4 4th weigh-in: 274.

Gratitude, not attitude. Gratitude, not attitude. Gratitude, not attitude. This is my new mantra, especially after Weigh-in Wednesday's results.

Starting weight: 292.1
1st weigh-in: 286.8
2nd weigh-in: 280.1
3rd weigh-in: 276.4
4th weigh-in: 274.1
5th weigh-in: 270.6
6th weigh-in: 266.2
7th weigh-in: 262
8th weigh-in: 261.4

I knew a week like this was coming, but I ignored the warnings from my ninja, dietitian, Croatian conscience, husband, and the voices inside my head who all told me that it could very well be this week. I wasn't prepared for the disappointment I felt when I hopped on the scale and saw my numbers. Oh. 0.6 pounds lost. That's good right? At least the numbers didn't go up and I have been building muscle...and that weighs more than fat. Gaaaaahhhh! Hissy fit! I wanted to be brave, I wanted to be strong, I wanted to be happy...but I was decidedly pissed off. I may have stomped around the loft for a few minutes...then instead of feeling sorry for myself, I took a shower...but before that I kicked the scale. I am obviously not very enlightened.

Gratitude, not attitude.

Some people complain because there are thorns on roses. Others appreciate the roses amongst the thorns - Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Meditate on the good: gratitude and appreciation are life changing. They are a powerful medicine that heals hurt, hatred, and sadness. Gratitude and appreciation rid the mind of judgement, generate self-respect, confidence, and security. And, I need me some of that.

Gratitude, not attitude.

Weigh-in Wednesday results re-do:

Wednesday mornings start before my alarm goes off; the butterflies in my stomach wake me up early and one of the first things I do is step on the scale.

This week, I was down 0.6 pounds...which probably means I have put on some muscle. In fact, I know I have...because when I flex (and after I have a good laugh at the fact that I am attempting to flex my muscles in the bathroom mirror. Who am I? A 14-year-old boy? Haha...) I can see "lines." These lines are known as muscle definition...and I know this because when you show any boy your "line" they say, "Oh, you mean you can see muscle definition." Thank you, Paul for the heads up. Note to self: show definition on plain leg, not tattooed one as lines aren't as prominent when in competition with ink...and also, shave legs more often.

As is tradition for me on Wednesdays, I must also try on outfits that were previously too small for my dangerous curves. This was particularly thrilling this WIW, as I decided to adorn myself in two dresses that I had previously retired at about 240-250 pounds. So, what made me think that at 261.4 pounds I would be able to squeeze into these frocks? I don't know. Call it a hunch. I haven't taken my measurements since starting this challenge, but I can feel the changes that my shape has gone through...first I got a waist, then some cheekbones, this week, perhaps there's less junk in my trunk. Both rather tailored garments fit, and both looked (dare I say it) kinda good. Now to conquer the world of heels...without breaking any bones.

This is also a perfect opportunity for me to switch up my cardio routine and play around with my eating habits. This may be my body telling me it's getting used to the treadmilll and all the wine. Haha...For the first month of this challenge, I combined bike, treadmill, and elliptical, but I think I've been heavily favouring the treadmill as I've gotten involved with the Crystal Fools Run/Walk Clinic...and it seems to be the most challenging...and I like a challenge (obviously). As for the wine, maybe I'll switch to Guinness as Guinness is good for you if you believe the marketing campaign, and appropriately it's Saint Patrick's Day week.

Gratitude, not attitude.

Now, how do you say namaste in Irish?

Pionta Guinness, le do thoil.
An bhfuil t煤 ar meisce f贸s?
Ta me are meisce.

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