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I'd like to thank the academy, the TC, & the MIJO Sport ninja...

I'd like to thank the academy, the TC, & the MIJO Sport ninja...

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013 - As I walked the walk from my place to the Crystal Pool & Fitness Centre, I had an extra spring in my step due in part to the article, written by Sandra McCulloch, that graced the entire front page of the sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½'s
Race day report: Turkey confidential

Race day report: Turkey confidential

Does positive thinking run the risk of being delusional? At the last minute before the Goodlife Fitness Victoria half marathon, I decided to leave my phone at the starting line along with the ability to call my husband to rescue me en route.
Iain Hunter: Put care of patients before bottom line

Iain Hunter: Put care of patients before bottom line

As one for whom a visit to the hospital is becoming more inevitable every day, I’ve been unable to ignore what’s being said about the coming reorganization of patient care at the Royal Jubilee and Victoria General.
David Bly: Bylaw brings back smoke-filled memories

David Bly: Bylaw brings back smoke-filled memories

The Capital Regional District has approved bylaw amendments that will make playgrounds, parks, playing fields and other public places off-limits for smoking.
Monique Keiran: Scary invaders creep in on eight little feet

Monique Keiran: Scary invaders creep in on eight little feet

In Germany this year, a woman called the police after her doorbell rang repeatedly in the night, terrifying her. The cops apprehended the culprit — an ant nest built tight into the doorbell was tripping the switch.
Les Leyne: sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ needs strategic overview of LNG

Les Leyne: sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ needs strategic overview of LNG

Northern sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ residents who are so inclined could fill up a fair chunk of their calendars just going to information meetings about different liquefied natural gas proposals, a Smithers lawyer said this week.
Comment: Tax the rich? Oh wait, we already do that

Comment: Tax the rich? Oh wait, we already do that

The federal budget presented last March offered a timely reminder of something that many Canadians may not realize: a surprisingly big slice of the federal government’s overall revenues comes from a single source, the personal income tax.
86,400 Seconds of Thanksgiving

86,400 Seconds of Thanksgiving

Moisture-born, miraculously born, or simply womb-born, all beings enjoy the morning sun. We are grateful for its vital warmth and thankful that the long night is over. It is not a matter of good or evil. This joy is a birthright, not a reward.
Susan Martinuk: Porn dangerous territory for young people

Susan Martinuk: Porn dangerous territory for young people

Martin Daubney’s Sept. 25 column in Britain’s Daily Mail, which describes key moments in his journey from a purveyor of pornography to a proclaimer of its destructive powers, is a must-read for all parents.
Shannon Corregan: Kids can handle talk on gender issues

Shannon Corregan: Kids can handle talk on gender issues

Last weekend, the sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½â€™s Amy Smart reported that only 24 out of sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½â€™s 60 school districts have explicit anti-discrimination policies to protect LGBQT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer-identifying and transgender) youth.