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How to make a meaningful difference in your community on GivingTuesday

Your donation to the Hope Fund will go directly to those less fortunate
Jill Cater.

Tuesday, November 29, marks the return of GivingTuesday—the world’s largest generosity movement.

Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a stranger, or giving to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give.

On GivingTuesday, we encourage you to consider the needs of your less fortunate neighbours (whom, at Our Place, we call our family members). This year, proceeds from GivingTuesday donations will go towards the Hope Fund. This is an “emergency” fund that Our Place staff can access on behalf of our family members for items that go over and above what they can afford, but that are necessities for moving forward in a healthy way.

During the past year, the Hope Fund was used for:

  • Eye exams
  • Pet medication
  • FOODSAFE certification for a job
  • First aid training
  • Supplies for job interviews
  • Birth certificates for proper ID

The Hope Fund was created in honour of Jill Cater, a strong and courageous woman who touched the lives of so many at Our Place, and was an inspiration to everyone who met her. Throughout living on the streets and becoming addicted to heroin, Jill never gave up. With the help of Our Place and through her own incredible determination, she became a community leader through her work at S.O.L.I.D. (Society of Living Illicit Drug Users), volunteering at Our Place and even serving on the Our Place Board of Directors. Sadly, Jill passed away from cancer in July 2017. She encapsulated everything we wish for our family members: strength, courage, humour and love.

“With diverse backgrounds, our board members continually impress me with their depth of commitment to Our Place,” says Allan Saunders, Our Place board chair, adding “The Hope Fund honours someone who was a committed board member and more. Jill Cater was an Our Place family member and a long-time volunteer before coming onto the board.”

“She was remarkable in many ways. She was also a special and effective board member, bringing important perspectives and experiences to the board,” says former chair Diana Butler.

“While still on the board, we lost her within weeks of her cancer diagnosis. The Hope Fund is such a fitting tribute to someone known for her raw honesty and practical caring. The fund gives outreach workers the ability to access quick funds for a pair of work boots or clothing and other necessities for the street community as they see fit. Thanks to all who support this fund. And thank you, Jill,” says Saunders.

You can help share and honour Jill’s memory—and give hope and a hand up to those struggling in the Greater Victoria community—with a donation to the Hope Fund this GivingTuesday. To make a donation, please visit , or call 250-940-5060.