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Why volunteering at Our Place Society became a life-changing experience for Victoria couple

It鈥檚 鈥渙ne of my favourite parts of the week,鈥 says Grayg Mitrou of his time at Our Place Society

When small-business owner Grayg Mitrou decided to volunteer at , he knew it would challenge his perceptions of those experiencing homelessness and poverty in our community.

He was unsure of what he might see or experience.

“I used to have a fear of walking down here [around Pandora Avenue],” says Grayg, who spends time every week serving meals in Our Place’s downtown community centre.

“I used to feel like, ‘Out of sight, out of mind.’ I wanted nothing to do with what was happening down here.”

Grayg never imagined he would have anything in common with “that population.”

His judgment was quick to change, however, after his wife, Shirley, convinced him to step out of his comfort zone, challenge his belief system and become an Our Place volunteer.

“I walked in for my first shift and it was totally an eye-opener for me,” says Grayg. “I met and saw people and heard their stories. I thought, ‘These people are just like me. That’s just me without a bank account. That’s just me without a family to support me. That’s just me with too many drugs in my system.’ Now I realize it’s us – we’re all in the same river together, just trying to navigate through different circumstances. Being here is one of my favourite parts of the week.”

Shirley, a facilitator for a personal-development company, became involved with Our Place when the COVID pandemic began, and distancing protocols required many people living in shelters to move outdoors throughout the city.

“It’s the first time I was ever introduced to the people who frequent Our Place, whom we call our family members,” says Shirley. “I knew I had huge prejudices and biases going into it, but I was so compelled to help wherever I could in such a desperate situation. It’s easy to have opinions of people from the sidelines, but there’s no better way to learn and grow than to experience something head-on.”

Shirley reviewed Our Place’s website and applied to volunteer her time in clothing and hygiene operations at 919 Pandora. After her first shift, she was hooked.

“It was my very first day here,” Shirley recalls. “I remember a woman coming in and she told me all about her son, who was about to get married, and she needed a nice dress to wear. That conversation was so beautiful as we worked together to pick one out – what colour she might like, what shoes would work with the outfit, all of those little things that brought such a huge smile to her face.”

Shirley and Grayg agree that volunteering at Our Place has been a life-changing experience for them. “Every day that I’m here, something happens that makes me dig deeper within myself,” says Grayg.

“Being in the community centre is where you get to see the real contribution you’re making,” adds Shirley. “And to realize – yes, it’s the money that’s needed. But volunteering also gives you, and the people you serve, that added dignity. It’s the conversations you have, the eye contact you exchange, the relationships you build. This community, now more than ever, needs love and care.”

To make a donation in support of the programs and services at Our Place, and to find out how you can volunteer your time for those in need, visit .