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Bianca Chu - Saanich council candidate 2022

Bianca Chu

Facebook: Bianca for Saanich

Twitter: @bianca_chu

Instagram: @biancaforsaanich

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

Yes! I have been living and renting all over Saanich for the last 13 years.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Currently I work as a Senior Public Affairs Officer for the province, supporting the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation. I’ve been there around 6 months. Prior to that, I worked for the University of Victoria for over a decade working in sport, partnership development, fundraising, and volunteer management.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

My family instilled the value of giving back to your community at a very young age. They promoted helping where you can, and creating more opportunities for kids and families to access local and cross-cultural programs. We started volunteering together when they started the first mandarin speaking Scouts troop in sa国际传媒 to support other newcomers.

Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to:

- work with national rugby 7s teams around the world to supporting women in sport

- create programs and run camps for youth

- served holiday dinners through local food banks

- lead the UVic Student Ambassadors and Young Alumni Council

- be elected as as the president on the board for Intrepid Theatre to support inclusive, brave art (including Fringe Festival)

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

This is my first time running for local government, and I could not be more excited. Throughout all of my personal, professional and volunteer experiences, I have always been passionate about supporting people. I am a firm believer of ‘think globally, act locally’. My family used to joke that I “care too much about everyone” and I realized that this could be a way to do more. My motivation also comes advocating for those that may not have been traditionally represented. Intersectionality matters, and I hope that as a millennial, asian female, single-income household renter - I can be the voice that someone can finally relate to.

What are your top three issues?

Healthy growth can only be done by balancing priorities with a collaborative approach. That being said, at the top of those priorities for me are:

1. Supporting more affordable housing

2. Supporting vibrant spaces for businesses and community

3. Protecting our environment

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

My vision is that we can support a Saanich that is diverse, affordable, and vibrant for generations to come. A place that is renown for not just a singular goal - but one that champions a triple bottom line for growth - people, profit, AND planet. The world is rapidly developing and we need to not only keep up, but continue to be a leader for change.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

Creating more safe and vibrant spaces for casual community gathering - for families…and good dogs of course