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Chris Istace - North Cowichan council candidate 2022

Chris Istace

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

Yes, I live in Chemainus within the Municipality of North Cowichan

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I am a local independent retail business owner & operator in our 20th year of business. I also worked 21 years in the Resource Industry with that tail end of that career as an Operations Manager.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience. (80-100 words total)

In my previous home town I served as a 2 term elected city councillor where we tackled a housing crisis at the time and an unhealthy debt load that was becoming unmanageable. I have served 7 years on the Chemainus Business Improvement Association board with the last 3 years as acting President. I also serve on the board of directors for the Cowichan Trail Stewardship Society for the past 7 years. I have also served in 2 different Chamber of Commerce boards and as a Rotarian.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation? (80-100 words total)

I am running for council to enhance my ability to bring together the varied voices of our strong community to tackle the challenges of growth in a sensitive time for our youth, economy, and environment. I have always been engaged as a resident, business leader, community volunteer, ambassador and working on behalf of my fellow residents. I have attended open houses, surveys, workshops and presented to North Cowichan council on several occasions. I want to take the next step in serving my community at a higher level

What are your top three issues? (80-100 words total)

- Advocate for more cycling/walking and focus on the new Transportation Master Plan engagement underway. Look at the community from a people perspective, not cars. Communities thrive when people walk and ride from their homes for errands, work, school and leisure.

- Aggressively support infill developments in defined growth centres to meet market housing demands increasing affordability through supply. Focus on mixed non exclusionary zoning which will create a more diverse vibrant community.

- Preserve green fields & protect sensitive natural areas through a climate resilience lens. Explore how intact community forests provide tourism activity, recreation and health benefits. Ensuring we see through the current Municipal Forest Policy Review immediately.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years? (100-125 words total)

In 25 years we will have managed to preserve and protect the river and forest ecosystem of the Cowichan Valley which will sustain the region in a time of climate uncertainty. Our communities will have a strong walking & cycling network tied into a robust transit system that will exist within dense vibrant growth centres that reflect the “15 Minute Community” planning approach. Small businesses and services will thrive in a strong locally minded economy which will also see a resurgence of rural agriculture and food systems supporting the Cowichan region.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community? (100-125 words total)

I don’t have a big idea or ground breaking concept to share. Rather I have the experience of living in Chemainus here in North Cowichan which has taught me of what is possible in a “15 minute community” and how it can transform our quality of life for the positive. I want all our urban areas of North Cowichan to have equal inclusive accessible ability to walk or cycle without a car to sustain their daily lives to experience what I have in my community. Walking or riding to work each day, to get groceries, to go to parks, to see a doctor, have a coffee all help get us outside, meet our neighbours, promote safer neighbourhoods, reduce our climate impact and also improve our physical and mental health.