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David Screech - View Royal mayor candidate 2022

David Screech




Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

Yes, for 24 years

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Business owner of Gregg’s Furniture & Upholstery

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

Before being on Council I was president of the View Royal Community association and also president of the Friends Of Knockan Hill park society. I also served on the Town Of View Royal’s Parks and environment advisory committee.

I was first elected in 2002 and served as a Councillor until 2014 when I was elected mayor. Since 2014 I have been mayor and I have also been the Town’s CRD director. At the CRD I have been vice chair of the board along with chairing the Parks Committee and the transportation committee at various times.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

We have a wonderful community in View Royal and I believe that my passion for our community, along with my commitment and experience, place me in an excellent position to lead our community for the next 4 years. Successive Councils in View Royal have focused on providing our community with stable, effective, and focused governance. This is one of the key reasons why our Town is such a wonderful place to call home. With the increase in Council size and the development pressures facing our Town I would like to do one more term to ensure our community continues to thrive and retain it’s charm and character.

What are your top three issues?

I always find this a difficult question as there are so many important issues. In the next term the Council and community must finalize our new Official Community Plan.

Transportation is a key issue for View Royal residents and indeed the region.

Housing / development is a major issue for View Royal and the region. Clearly Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our world today and local government must do its part.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

View Royal is a gem within the region and I hope will still be in 25 years. That means protecting the characteristics that make our community unique while also recognizing the inevitable growth pressures we will have. In 25 years I hope to see a thriving, safe and secure community that is inclusive of all. I hope to see View Royal be a leader in providing parks, green spaces, and recreation for its residents while also ensuring that our community is connected and walkable with neighbourhood nodes. I also hope to see View Royal continue to be a regional player and work with all our neighbours for a better region.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

I have long thought that the View Royal stretch of the “Six Mile Strip” needs to be redeveloped. We could easily see some higher density housing there. But, in particular, I would like to see the development of an “entertainment zone” around the casino. I believe there are many possibilities to see supporting and complimentary businesses developed around the Casino. The casino is a vital part of the View Royal economy and this would further that. I would also like to see View Royal develop a community gathering space and hold more community events.