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Dean Jantzen - Colwood council candidate 2022

Dean Jantzen in running for Colwood council. SUBMITTED

Dean Jantzen (incumbent)

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?

I am an independent candidate.

Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I have lived in Colwood since 2006

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I am a police officer, and have been for over 26 years.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

In 2018, I had the fortune to be elected to represent my community, the City of Colwood. My entire adult life has been about service to the community, as a police officer, a corrections officer, and an army officer. Serving the City of Colwood as a council member is a continuation of this passion for service, something meaningful and a way to give back to the City for future generations. Prior to being a council member, I volunteered on several different committees that advised the City in areas including public safety, the sewers bylaws and safe routes to schools.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

There is no higher calling than to be in the service of others. As a police officer, a corrections officer, and an army officer , service is in my DNA. I believe that a civic council member is the most impactful level of government, where the most good can be done for a community, where the rubber meets the road. I am running to ensure that our community remains a great place to live, work, play, recreate and to raise our families. I will work hard to ensure that Colwood remains safe for all residents.

What are your top three issues?

1. Community safety- I have championed additional RCMP positions to the Westshore Detachment this term and will continue to ensure that our contingent of officers are aligned with growth. We are blessed to live in a very safe city, but this will require constant vigilance.

2. Sustainable growth- the City of Colwood continues to grow at a rate not seen before. People continue to move to our beautiful community, which means we need to have a variety of housing options available. The challenge is to balance growth against preserving our much loved green spaces, parks and our waterfront, all while maintaining our identity as a community.

3. Natural Assets and Recreation- I will work to maintain and expand our natural assets in Colwood, and will work to increase recreational opportunities as we grow.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

My vision for our future is that Colwood continues to grow in a sustainable manner while preserving our identity as a community. That we remain a community of choice for all and a desirable place to raise our families. That we continue to develop our Colwood Corners neighbourhood to become a vibrant core area. This will allow for residents of all ages to have access to services and employment opportunities a short distance from their homes, avoiding the need to travel great distances by vehicle. That we continue to be amongst the safest communities in the region, and that support our RCMP and Colwood Fire Department personnel. That we preserve and maintain our world class waterfront, which is a destination for people from around the region.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

I will work hard to bring a craft brew house or pub to our community! This will include a proper tasting room with a variety of craft beers brewed on site. Many members of the community have mentioned that this is one service that is not currently provided in Colwood.

Perhaps they could brew our very own Colwood Kolsch beer!!