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Maria Powers - Sooke council candidate 2022

Maria Powers


Instagram: mariapowershealing

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?

I am running independently for Sooke Council.

Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

Sooke has been my home for the past 10 years.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I am a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, craniosacral practitioner, Reiki Master and life coach. I also make jewelry and sell at markets during the summer. I have been doing healing work for the past 25 years and have been making jewelry for the past 8 years.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

I was a volunteer for Hospice, Boy Scouts, and Girl Guides when my children were growing up.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I am running for council because I feel that our collective voice needs to be heard. I believe that all forms of government work for the people after all we pay their wages.

What are your top three issues?

I also feel that Sooke should have more opportunities here to create and support local businesses to thrive and grow. The seniors need a place to gather, a bus that works to take them shopping and adventures. We also need more doctors and access to medical treatment. Having to wait years for medical treatment is unacceptable. I also feel strongly about creating more bike trails and walking trails so everyone is safe from the highway.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

My vision for Sooke is a beautiful downtown core with boutiques, galleries, restaurants, all located on a cobblestone boardwalk where we can gather, shop and eat looking out at our amazing view of Sooke basin and the Olympic mountains. I see a community where we all work together to create a safe, prosperus, fun place to live.