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Richard Novek - Sidney council candidate 2022

Richard Novek

Facebook: Richard Novek Council , novekr2022

Twitter: @novekr

Instagram: novekr

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

Yes, I’ve lived in Sidney for 5 ½ years

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I’ve been retired for 7 years

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

I spent 15 years with RCMSAR as a Marine Search and Rescue Coxswain helping to keep boaters safe on BC’s coast. I was also a licensed paramedic and worked in a volunteer role for numerous mass gathering events over 10 years. I’ve also enjoyed my contributions as a member of many Boards and Commissions over the years. Since moving to Sidney, I volunteered with the Sidney Museum and Archives and served as Board Chair for 5 years, helping to lead the museum to a top of class position in the community. I am also presently serving on the Sidney Advisory Planning Commission and am on the Board of the Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I’ve decided to run for Council because I believe that giving back to our community is one of the most important things we can do as a member of society. I feel my 35+ years of business experience and countless hours of volunteer Board work gives me a solid background in critical thinking and decision making that is essential to be a productive and responsible Council member. I want to be a councillor that listens to constituents and can make decisions based on what’s best for the citizens of Sidney.

What are your top three issues?

1. Sidney Pier: I think the Pier is a vital component of Sidney’s appeal as a Tourist attraction not to mention it’s value to Citizens as a familiar part of home. The existing pier is literally on its last legs.

2. Accommodation for Seniors: With over 45% of the Town population being over 65 it is essential that we build infrastructure with seniors in mind. Accessibility in new buildings, both residential and commercial must not be sacrificed for want of budget.

3. Affordable Housing: It is not only possible but critical that new developments include affordable housing although we must admit that today’s economic reality make that a challenge.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

I would like to see Sidney remain the cultural, social and commercial hub of the Saanich Peninsula as well as continue to grow as a tourism destination. Sidney should also continue to be a welcoming destination for retirees who help to give Sidney its vibrancy and character. To do this we must encourage growth, not just for growth’s sake but evolutionary growth that validates the need for green space, affordable housing and accessible space for seniors. That is where I’ll focus my efforts, if elected to Council.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

I would like to see a new Sidney Pier, as do many people. But the “how” is the big problem. I’d like to see a new pier developed by a private developer to Sidney’s specifications and donated to the Town. In return, Sidney would have to provide sufficient development incentives such as bonus density, tax breaks, etc. to make it a realistic proposition for a developer. It may sound outrageous, but it could be a win-win situation if the right developer with the right project is found. Sidney does not have the financial resources for a project of this magnitude on its own. This is something I will work for if elected to Council