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Ron Mattson - View Royal council candidate 2022

Ron Mattson


Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I have lived in View Royal for 40 years

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Retired. I was employed by the Ministry of Health for 28 years and am currently on the Board of Directors for Vancouver Island Health Authority

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

View Royal Councillor for 25 years (1990-2005, 2011-2022), Over that time I was on a number of Council affiliated Boards (Greater Victoria Library Board, West Shore Parks and Recreation, and many more). I was appointed by Minister of Health to Board of Vancouver Island Health Authority (2019-2023)

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I love my community; it has been home for 40 years and I want to continue to give back to my community. I have been fortunate to have had a hand in the way View Royal has developed since 1990 and I want to continue working for the residents to ensure future growth in View Royal is done with their input and approval. View Royal is one and can continue to be the best community in BC.

What are your top three issues?

1. To ensure the Town’s draft Official Community Plan reflects View Royal residents needs and vision for the Town. As drafted, it will destroy the charm and character of many single-family residential areas

2. to address the Town’s many transportation challenges

3. to better inform and involve residents in important Council decisions

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years? (100-125 words)

Multi-family residential development will have been focused on major transportation corridors. Residents will be able to access most if not all their services within the community.(e.g., shopping, restaurants, medical services). View Royal will continue to have a range of housing options for all age groups and income levels. The Town’s many parks and recreational areas will be sufficient to meet the needs of all our residents. And View Royal will have maintained its unique charm and character. Simply the Best Place to Call Home

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community? (100-125 words)

Given what is at stake with the finalizing of a new Official Community Plan, my big idea is simply to ensure the next Council re-writes the current draft OCP with the far better input from the community. As written the draft reflects the vision of external housing advocates and does not in any way represent the aspiration of View Royal residents.