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Terri O'Keeffe - Sidney council candidate 2022

Terri O’Keeffe

Facebook: Terri O’Keeffe - Sidney Councillor 

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

YES. I’ve lived in Sidney for 24 years.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Retired Regional Manager at Dept of National Defence. Total 34 years experience at DND and sa国际传媒 Revenue Agency.

Please include the URLs for any websites/social media you are using for your campaign.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

I served on the Board of Directors for Peninsula Soccer, Peninsula Lacrosse, and Sidney Museum. I was a Cub Leader for 1st Tsartlip; Co-Chair/Chair of Parkland School PAC for 8 years. Volunteer at Sidney Elementary, NS Middle School, Peninsula Celebrations, Peninsula Track & Field and Our Place Society. Recipient of Queen’s Jubilee Medal for community service.

1st term on Sidney Council started 2018 and served as Council Liaison to the Chamber of Commerce, Sidney Business Improvement Area, Airport Noise Committee, CRD Regional Housing Trust, Emergency Planning Committee, Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea and the South Island Prosperity Partnership

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I’ve always felt a commitment to contribute to my community. Sidney has been a great place to raise my kids and I want to ensure it continues to be a great place for future generations. I want to make sure there is a balanced approach to development as we address the need for more housing and the need to address climate change.

What are your top three issues?

Housing Strategy that balances the need for more housing options with the need for green spaces, quality living environment, adaptable units, climate change and parking. Have an incentive program for homeowners to increase garden/basement suites. Have incentive package for developers to build affordable housing. Reduce processing time for development applications.

Environment –Implement our Climate Action Plan, continue to build our tree canopy, increase number of metered EV charging stations.

Economy – develop an economic strategy to retain and attract business. Position Sidney as an Accessible Tourism destination.

What is your vision for your community in 25 years?

A town with a balanced demographic, with housing for young families, working people, persons with disabilities and seniors. There is a healthy tree canopy with green spaces in all neighborhoods. Active transportation and plentiful EV charging stations are in place. GHG’s targets have been met

The economy is growing and diversifying with a good local workforce. New businesses have established in the West Side Village boosting the economy and bringing more products and services to west side residents. The new pedestrian overpass allows people to safely walk/cycle between east and west Sidney. Accessible tourism and cycling tourism have brought more visitors to Sidney, who enjoy the waterfront, the eclectic collection of downtown shops and eateries, and it’s many arts and culture events.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

A new combined facility for a Museum and Arts & Culture Centre and gallery, to showcase local heritage, indigenous history and culture and our local arts community. It will attract tourists, give a boost to our economy and be a meeting and educational space for residents of the Saanich Peninsula.