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Trevor Paul - Sooke council candidate 2022

Trevor Paul




Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

My wife and I moved to Sooke in 2011 and within a year we were completely sold on Sooke as the place we wanted to put down roots. We were fortunate enough to buy a home and have been here ever since. This community is our home and our future and we love it here.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I am a Civil Servant with the BC Government and have worked there since 2012. I currently work at the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

Please include the URLs for any websites/social media you are using for your campaign.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

This is my first time running for an elected position.

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I am running for Council because our community requires a new voice at the decision table to represent the best interests of Sooke families. I believe that family is the fabric that wove this community together long before I arrived and the same fabric that will continue to develop this community going forward. No matter your age, race, religion, gender, ability, how you identify, if you were born here or just moved here – I will act in the best interests of you and your family as a Councillor.

What are your top three issues?

My top three priorities are increasing sidewalks, reducing traffic congestion for Sooke commuters, and protecting John Phillips Memorial Park from development. Over 80% of Sooke streets have no sidewalk but with proper leadership, we can create a walkable community that is safe for our children and loved ones. Traffic is becoming untenable, but we can alleviate the congestion that working families face as they commute home from Victoria or the Westshore daily with innovative, short-term solutions while saving for longer-term fixes. Our parks are under threat of development, but I won’t be afraid to stand up for our green space.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

Sooke and everything that makes it special was created by hard working families and we need to make sure that our growth is informed and championed by Sooke families going forward. My vision for Sooke is a family oriented, rural community that has managed to grow in a sustainable manner so that our infrastructure meets the needs of the population. I see a walkable, multi-modal community with sidewalks and active transportation facilities along with vibrant green spaces and state-of-the-art public amenities for youth, adults and seniors to enjoy. I see a healthier, stronger Sooke that has successfully advanced community-based reconciliation with members of T’Sou-ke Nation. Finally, I see a community with a strong local economy where families can live, play and work.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

Sooke is a small community with a limited tax base. We can’t afford to solve the world’s problems while maintaining and developing the community we all want and deserve to live in. Sooke families are better served when our tax money is invested in transportation infrastructure and basic services like sidewalks. We need more swimming instructors, youth coaches, public art, and public amenities like plazas and pump tracks or splash pads. We need to invest in exciting gathering places for Sooke seniors and we need to support Sooke veterans. We need to encourage Sooke youth and community groups to protect and get creative with our parks. If elected, I will ensure our tax money is invested in services and initiatives that benefit Sooke families.