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Ned Taylor, Green Party candidate for Saanich South

Ned Taylor, Green Party candidate for Saanich South, answers questions from sa国际传媒 readers.
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Ned Taylor is the Green Party candidate for Saanich South. SUBMITTED







Political party: How long have you been a member?

BC Green Party and Green Party of sa国际传媒: Since I was 17 years old.

Do you live in the riding, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to the riding?

Yes. I’ve lived in Saanich my entire life and I have just recently moved into Saanich South.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I was a Saanich Councillor and CRD Director from 2018 - 2022. I’ve now been working in MP Elizabeth May’s Constituency Office since September 2023. I’m also training to become a commercial pilot.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing your community and why?

With thousands of residents not having a family doctor, I see healthcare as the biggest issue for Saanich South. BC Greens propose building Community Healthcare Centres so that doctors no longer have to spend their time finding their own office space, hiring staff, etc. Instead, they’d practice in a space provided by the province, where nurses, social workers, and others are also working. This would lift a significant administrative burden off of doctors’ shoulders, allowing them to see more patients, and making BC a more attractive place for doctors to provide care.

What actions or efforts have you taken to learn the concerns of your constituents?

I’ve been knocking on doors across the riding since March of this year. I’ve been listening to residents on the doorstep to hear what issues are of concern and how those issues are affecting them. Hearing from many residents during my tenure as a Saanich Councillor and CRD Director has also benefited me. I have always made myself accessible to the people I serve by answering emails and returning phone calls. Additionally, by meeting with residents, community associations, stakeholders, non-profit organizations, and local business owners, I’ve been able to better understand the issues here in Saanich and across the province.

What do you want to see improved in British Columbia in four, eight and 20 years?

I want to see a healthcare system where everybody has access to the primary and preventative care that they need. I want to see more affordable housing and a significant new supply of co-op housing. I don’t want to see anybody living on our streets or dying of a poisoned drug overdose. Additionally, I want to see climate change being truly addressed in ways which gives my generation and the next generation hope for the future. Although these may seem like lofty goals, I believe they are attainable, but only if we are willing to deliver long-term, transformational change.

How would you go about addressing contentious issues within your riding?

I would do it the same way I did when I was on Saanich Council and the CRD Board. Listen, research, learn, remain grounded, be respectful, then make an informed decision, and explain my honest reasoning. We dealt with numerous contentious issues on Council and it can be difficult to make decisions in these circumstances, especially when there are passionate perspectives on a particular debate. But that’s the job! I would always make sure to listen to all sides so that I could get a full picture.

Would you vote against your party and leader if it were best for your constituents?

Absolutely. In fact, the BC Green Party is the only party that clearly allows its members to vote against the Party and Party Leader’s position. Because of this, I’m in the best position to serve Saanich South and the constituents in this community. Every riding has unique issues and perspectives that deserve to be represented. In the Green Party, I get the freedom to vote for what’s best for the community I represent.

Why do you think you are qualified to do this job?

Because I’ve served the people in this community on Saanich Council and the CRD Board. I’ve proven I can be effective in elected office having passed motions which have led to tangible change within the community, such as more sidewalks near schools or new trees to shade neighbourhoods during heat waves. Other life experiences will also aid me in serving as MLA, such as supporting Elizabeth May as her assistant or training to become a pilot. I’m offering Saanich South a fresh voice, but also one with the experience necessary to deliver.

Why are you running – what’s your motivation?

I’m running because I care about the community I’ve grown up in. I’m concerned about the cost of living - it makes me wonder how I’ll afford to start my family in Saanich. I’m worried about what the future will look like for my kids. Most importantly, that perspective is consistently underrepresented in elected offices, not only here in BC, but around the world. We need solutions that take into account the next 50 years, and we need people in elected office who will experience the impacts of the decisions being made today. That’s why I’m running to be your MLA.


New Democrat Lana Popham is looking for a fifth term in office.

The races in 2005 and 2009 were close Liberal-NDP races separated by only a few hundred votes, but Popham took almost 56 per cent of the vote in the 2020 election.



The candidates this election are:

See the full list of Vancouver Island candidates here. We are posting the candidate questionnaires riding by riding.


We asked readers what they wanted to ask candidates and used those answers to help shape our election coverage, including candidate questionnaires.

The answers are presented as submitted by the candidates, edited only for length if they exceeded the word limit they were given. We did not correct grammar, spelling or typos.

See an error or something that needs to be changed? You can report it to [email protected] or use the report a typo link below.