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Spiritually Speaking

How can we stop the divisive culture of blame for a path forwards?

How can we stop the divisive culture of blame for a path forwards?

The prevalent culture of blame is most clearly seem in comments made on social media which is a source of wounding and rending us from one another.
The symbols we wear can connect us

The symbols we wear can connect us

Do you wear any symbols that communicate your faith and beliefs to others? They could be things that you can take on and off, such as a piece of clothing or jewelry, or something more permanent, such as a tattoo or piercing.
Enjoy the small moments to live a more meaningful life

Enjoy the small moments to live a more meaningful life

It can be easy to detach ourselves from the world around us, but stay attached. Seek connection: small moments, kind words, a helping hand. And hum your favourite tunes to inspire and uplift your soul.
Artistic Collaboration Pathway toward Reconciliation, June 6

Artistic Collaboration Pathway toward Reconciliation, June 6

Please join Artist Virgil Sampson and Rabbi Harry Brechner on Tuesday, June 6, 7:00 PM at Congregation Emanu-El Synagogue, Victoria
We should offer compassion for those on the margins

We should offer compassion for those on the margins

What does compassion look like? What does it mean to live a life of meaning? How do I ensure that my life choices are truly aligned with my values? How do I live in a way that makes room for others to thrive?
The Beauty and Burden of Bearing our Identities: How Spirituality Can Help

The Beauty and Burden of Bearing our Identities:
 How Spirituality Can Help

Religious traditions in their deepest spiritual dimensions seek to dissolve our attachment to worldly or conventional identities because they hold there is something about us that goes deeper than all worldly identities
How to Cherish But Not Cling to Our Identities

How to Cherish But Not Cling to Our Identities

Can we cherish our identities without permitting them to become toxic? If so, how?
The complex treasure of simplicity in our spiritual quest

The complex treasure of simplicity in our spiritual quest

At the core of simplicity is a willingness to focus on a chosen priority while letting go of superfluities that distract one from those priorities.
Land, Law, Religion and Reconciliation: A Colloquium

Land, Law, Religion and Reconciliation: A Colloquium

This weekend, May 5-7th marks both the Coronation of King Charles and a Colloquium on Land, Law, Religion and Reconciliation co-hosted by the Anglican Diocese and the University of Victoria’s Centre for Studies in Religion and Society.
Called to account in community

Called to account in community

Through my years on this journey, I have been gifted by many people who have gently shared their wisdom with me, who have guided, challenged, inspired, and taught me.