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Helen Chesnut’s Garden notes: Cedar ‘flagging’ normal renewal process

Helen Chesnut’s Garden notes: Cedar ‘flagging’ normal renewal process

Dear Helen: I recently saw a newspaper article about western red cedars dying off because of drought. The cedars in my neighbourhood developed some brown patches this fall. Does this mean they are dying? S.N. Probably not.
Condo Smarts: Points to ponder for decisions on charging stations

Condo Smarts: Points to ponder for decisions on charging stations

Dear Tony: How does a strata council manage a request to install charging stations when the alterations to our electrical will exceed $100,000 and our owners will not fund the cost? Our council are in support of the installation of stations but we ma
Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: Strawberry tree ideal for spot by front door

Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: Strawberry tree ideal for spot by front door

As friends were exiting my front door following a pot luck evening a few weeks ago, an answer to a garden question suddenly came to me as I observed the departing women looking above them in admiration at tree branches laden with flowers that glisten
Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: How to care for geraniums

Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: How to care for geraniums

Dear Helen: How do I winter my potted Martha Washington geranium plant? I’m also wondering whether this kind of geranium and zonal geraniums share the same growing condition requirements. F.G.
Condo Smarts: Requirement to accommodate wheelchair trumps bylaw

Condo Smarts: Requirement to accommodate wheelchair trumps bylaw

Dear Tony: As president of our strata, I am trying to prevent our strata council from taking a position that I am certain will result in either a complaint with the Civil Resolution Tribunal or a human rights complaint.
Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: Food-plant guide a great gift

Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: Food-plant guide a great gift

Changing the Climate with the Seeds We Sow is the latest book from Dan Jason of Salt Spring Seeds. It’s a 64-page profile of 16 basic food plants that are “nutritious, energizing, time-tested, earth-friendly and beautiful.
House Beautiful: A crafty transformation in Shawnigan

House Beautiful: A crafty transformation in Shawnigan

It seems as if everything in this house — well, everything that has even a whiff of artistry about it — was made by the homeowner.
A tiny piece of East Vancouver is for sale for a tidy price of $108,000

A tiny piece of East Vancouver is for sale for a tidy price of $108,000

VANCOUVER — For sale, a tiny piece of land on a street of mostly older homes near Commercial Drive in East Vancouver. It measures a skinny 6 x 90 feet and is on sale for only $108,000.
Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: Pruning schedule depends on type of rose

Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: Pruning schedule depends on type of rose

Dear Helen: Can I prune my roses now? S.N. That depends on the type of rose. Leave the main pruning of bush roses until late winter, ideally as growth buds show the first signs of swelling.
Condo Smarts: What do you do when an elected strata president leaves?

Condo Smarts: What do you do when an elected strata president leaves?

Dear Tony: We have run into a problem with our strata council executive. At our annual meeting, we elected the president and the treasurer so the owners would have input into the positions.