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Sandra Richardson: A future we can sustain

Sandra Richardson: A future we can sustain

For the past few years, the Victoria Foundation has increasingly aligned our work and our mission with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Geoff Johnson: Facile media help create sloppy minds

Geoff Johnson: Facile media help create sloppy minds

It’s not news that it is the emotional content as much as the information content of films and television programs that can affect our moods and subsequently other aspects of our thinking and behaviour. This applies to both adults and children.
Sylvain Charlebois: Weaponizing the Food Guide

Sylvain Charlebois: Weaponizing the Food Guide

If elected as our next prime minister, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer vows to review the sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ Food Guide, which was introduced in January. The idea itself is desirable.
Island Voices: Climate change puts the elderly at health risk

Island Voices: Climate change puts the elderly at health risk

An elderly man in Ottawa spent most of last winter snowed in, unable to leave his home, surviving on canned food. Last summer, 54 people died as a result of a heat wave in Quebec, many of them older adults.
Monique Keiran: Need to beat the heat? Plant a tree

Monique Keiran: Need to beat the heat? Plant a tree

Meteorologists warned us of a hot, dry summer to rival the past two. Although the forecast for a hot summer might attract tourists to the coast, prolonged heat is hard on residents.
David Suzuki: Our waste is our own problem

David Suzuki: Our waste is our own problem

Canadians care about the environment. We recycle, compost, take pride in our spectacular natural areas and understand the threat of climate disruption. But we also use more energy and water and produce more garbage per capita than any other nation.
Trevor Hancock: Oops, we have overshot the Earth’s capacity

Trevor Hancock: Oops, we have overshot the Earth’s capacity

Tomorrow, July 29, is Earth Overshoot Day, according to the Global Footprint Network; the day each year on which “humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.
Island Voices: Partisan ‘civic political parties’ bad for taxpayers

Island Voices: Partisan ‘civic political parties’ bad for taxpayers

A commentary on behalf of the Grumpy Taxpayer$ of Greater Victoria: Local taxpayers are better served with unaligned independent politicians.
Lawrie McFarlane: Auditor general’s bookkeeping requires an audit

Lawrie McFarlane: Auditor general’s bookkeeping requires an audit

Carol Bellringer, sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½â€™s auditor general, says the 2018-19 budget surplus claimed by province’s finance minister is inaccurate. In a recent statement, Carole James put the surplus at $1.5 billion. Bellringer says the correct number is $7.2 billion.
More moon memories: Readers recall the lunar landing

More moon memories: Readers recall the lunar landing

The Apollo 11 lunar landing of July 20, 1969, was etched in history as one of humankind’s most impressive achievements. Today, we continue with more memories of the moon landing from readers. You can read our previous instalment here .