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Celtic Christianity more 'grounded'

One of the leaders of the religious group to speak in Victoria

One of the world's foremost inspirational leaders of Celtic Christianity is in Victoria this week to speak at two congregations.

John Bell, a Church of Scotland minister and member of a group called the Iona Community, will speak at two downtown parishes: First Metropolitan United Church and Christ Church Cathedral (Anglican).

Rev. Allan Saunders of First Metropolitan said Bell is a leader in what's becoming known as Celtic Christianity, almost a return to an earlier form of Christianity practised in Scotland long ago.

Bell was originally a youth worker in Glasgow before he gained attention as a powerful motivational speaker.

He lectures throughout the world in an effort to revive congregational worship, drawing upon sources as varied as African and Latin American music and his own experiences.

Saunders said Celtic Christianity, as it was practised several hundred years ago, was in many ways ahead of its time.

Much of the early Celtic Christian leaders were lay people instead of ordained churchmen.

Women had a large role to play. And the movement focused largely on the teachings of Jesus as they relate to justice.

Celtic Christianity now has something to offer modern spiritual seekers who are often uncomfortable with dogma.

"The key interest these days appears to be about practice, about our way of life," Saunders said.

"Celtic Christianity has a real earthiness about it.

"It looks at how we can walk in a good way upon the Earth and in our relationships with each other."

He also said Celtic Christianity has a strong tradition of active gratitude.

Early Scottish Christians would recite a small prayer/poem of thanks upon waking to face a new day, or when lighting the hearth to heat the home and cook a meal.

"It's much more grounded in one's daily life rather than something artificial or ivory-towerish," Saunders said. "It's not like an artificial limb that you strap on."

He said Bell is being brought to Victoria by the two churches, something he said marks a new cooperation between the parishes, which have discovered they have much in common.

Bell will speak on the imagination as a spiritual resource at First Metropolitan United, 932 Bal-moral Rd., on Wednesday at 7 p.m.

The following morning he will be at Christ Church Cathedral, 930 Burdett Ave., at 9 a.m. to speak about "ancient gifts for these times."

Tickets are $20 for one event or $30 for both when purchased in advance, or $30 for one event and $50 for both if purchased at the door.

For more information, contact First Metropolitan at 250-388-5188 or

For Christ Church, call 250-383-2714 or go to [email protected]