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The Doctor Game: If a colonoscopy is good for the Queen, it’s good for you

How foolish some people are. Even when it means dying from a large bowel cancer at an early age. I`ve seen it happen many times over the years.

Your Good Health: Hep C curable, but cirrhosis irreversible

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 59-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with hepatitis C and cirrhosis. I have never been a drinker. I was treated with Harvoni for three months. I understand the medication is intended to cure the hepatitis C.

Your Good Health: Cholesterol may stem hair loss due to medication

Dear Dr. Roach: I took 70 milligrams of alendronate once a week due to the results of my bone mineral density scan performed in April this year. At that time, I was diagnosed with osteopenia.

Your Good Health: 64-slice test gives precise picture of the heart

Dear Dr. Roach: Have you heard of the 64-slice test for your heart? Would you recommend it instead of a stress test? D.F. You’re asking about a CT scan of the heart.

Your Good Health: No long-term risk for platelet donors

Dear Dr. Roach: I was wondering if there is a time that a person should stop donating platelets, based on age or difficulty. I am 61 and the past three times I’ve donated, I felt uncomfortable in some way.

Your Good Health: Symptoms typical for diverticulitis

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 67-year-old woman. For the past year, at least twice a month for three or four days, I am sick with nausea, diarrhea, chills and feverishness, lower-left abdominal discomfort and no appetite.

Your Good Health: Patient irked by questions about marital status

Dear Dr. Roach: I recently visited an ophthalmologist. Prior to the consultation, his staff member went over a form with me, including my marital status — single, married, divorced, widowed, partnered, etc.

Your Good Health: Heparin could replace Aspirin before surgery

Dear Dr. Roach: I’m in the middle of a dispute between my neurosurgeon and cardiologist, and would appreciate your opinion. I’m a 70-year-old male with extensive cardiac issues, including a heart attack, stent, ablation and A fib.

Your Good Health: Blood clots more common in cancer patients

Dear Dr. Roach: Have you heard that lymphoma patients are more likely than others to develop blood clots after surgery? I nearly died of a pulmonary embolus six days after hernia surgery.

Your Good Health: Heart diagnosis surprises woman, 70

Dear Dr. Roach: I’m a woman, age 70, who is five feet, four inches tall and weighs 125 pounds. I have no problems with cholesterol, diabetes or blood pressure. I do not take any medications, just vitamins.