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'Pre-drinking' can lead to sex, blackouts

They call it "pre-drinking," "pre-partying" or "pre-funking," and it usually involves chugging cheap alcoholic drinks before heading out to a bar, club or sporting event.

Fish oil may help people with heart disease

Dear doctors: I have always known that fish oil is beneficial for its omega-3 content. I see that krill oil is now being sold, claiming to have the same beneficial properties, but krill are high in cholesterol. How can that be beneficial? J.B.

Store canna lilies upside down

Dear Helen: The canna lilies we brought from Kamloops to Nanaimo did well in our new garden this summer. How should they be over-wintered here? G.L. Dear G.L.

White dinnerware lets food shine

Blanc dishes are the blank canvases at restaurants. Like bright-hued brushstrokes, menu items stand out like an artistic composition on each white plate. Salads look so green, carrots so orange, cranberries so red and, well, you get the picture.

Stomach surgery can cause adhesion

Dear doctors: My 85-yearold wife had a benign ovarian tumour removed in 2008. During a vacation in Florida the next year, she had a bowel blockage. The treatment was insertion of a tube through her nose and into the stomach.


Since 1865, the Salvation Army has provided practical help and compassionate care - without prejudice.

Mom's smoke, reading linked

Babies exposed to their mother's cigarette smoke in the womb later perform more poorly on reading comprehension tests, according to a new study.
Tipped spear older than thought: study

Tipped spear older than thought: study

It was among early man's greatest technological feats: a fully engineered weapon that combined a wooden shaft, mixed adhesives and a stone that had been chiselled to a lethal point.

Eric Akis: Despite the ads, pork is red meat

Dear Eric: Can you please confirm if pork is actually considered red meat? I had always understood that it was white, but have since heard that was only due to a specific advertising strategy.


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