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We still have work to do on tolerance

In a rare instance of Internet justice, Victoria social networkers spontaneously banded together last Thursday to react against hate speech that was posted to a community Facebook page.

Deer will keep on feeding while humans dither

Pauline was in London, so I decided to head to one of our favorite places in the highlands, a naturally terraced valley that looks down toward the sea. I sat with my book about halfway down, but soon fell asleep in the warm sun.

Island needs facilities for addiction treatment

Re: "A young life comes full circle," Aug. 19. I commend Carole James and her son Evan, who is now in recovery from addiction, for coming forward to tell their stories.

Say no to shark-fin soup

Sharks have a vital place in the ecosystems of the world's oceans.

Clergy should speak out on important issues

Re: "Clergy should stick to theological matters," Aug. 22. If the writer suggests that clergy are out of order speaking on matters of social and environmental importance, I beg to differ.

Use pipeline cash to subsidize ferries

Premier Christy Clark could kill two birds with one stone. She could get elected by ensuring that revenues from the pipeline activity go to reducing ferry costs on at least the main mainlandtoVancouver Island routes.

Augusta welcomes first two women

Congratulations to the two women allowed into the Augusta National Golf Club. I assume both were Republicans. Did any of the brainiacs in the club realize that Augusta is a woman's name? Richard Patterson Victoria

Housing still a major issue for First Nations

Without a doubt, one of the biggest social problems on any First Nation is housing. Good housing is the bedrock of a community. It means healthy living, a good place to study and family stability.

Banting good choice for $100 bill

Re: "Bank replaced Asian-looking woman on $100 bill," Aug. 18. Why not put insulin discoverer Dr. Frederick Banting's picture on the bill? Pat Mulcahy Ladysmith

Pipeline should go to Prince Rupert

Re: "David Black proposes oil refinery at Kitimat," Aug. 12 Building a refinery is a fantastic idea. However, Kitimat is totally the wrong location.