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Don't blame the horse for being hit by the bus

Re: "Horse carriages should be discontinued in Victoria," Aug. 13. As I read the story, the tour bus hit the horse. This would upset me as well.

Shoot for the stars

More than 40 years ago, we were shooting for the moon. The culmination of that dream in 1969 remains an incredible human achievement. Decades later, we're looking to go beyond that.

Bolt might be fastest, but not the greatest

Re: "I am the greatest. The greatest ever," Aug. 12. Usain Bolt is the fastest, no doubt, but if he believes he is the greatest, he has another thing coming.

Beacon Hill changes are not improvements

Re: "One week in, mixed reaction to park changes," Aug. 12. Whoever thought up the pilot project of directional changes in Beacon Hill Park, clearly did not consider anyone with mobility issues.

Skeptics of climate change losing PR battle

University of Calgary professor Barry Cooper wrote a piece for the Calgary Herald last week, in which he humorously derided British Columbians for their opposition toward a pipeline that would carry Alberta bitumen to the sa国际传媒 coast. sa国际传媒

Cycle system better than new sewage plant

Re: "Cycling upgrades in capital could cost $220 million," Aug. 12.

Traffic wouldn't justify bridge over the inlet

Re: "Bridging inlet would reduce Malahat traffic," Aug. 11.

Animals do not ask for abusive treatment

Re: "Human lives more important than dogs," Aug. 11. I would have no hesitation in spending my hard-earned money to help any abused animal. How does writer think that poor creature got in the condition it was in - a human, of course.

Oak Bay Lodge decision was not taken lightly

Recent letters critical of our decision to deny the Oak Bay Lodge redevelopment proposal suggest that Oak Bay does not want to play its part in providing regional care beds for seniors.

Regional transit body needed on the Island

Re: "Politicians seek way to look at rail service," Aug. 10. The Salish Express would be a fitting name for a regional rail service, and there is a precedent for such a service.