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Adrian Raeside cartoon: Whale calf, ferry cancellations, and morons in the forest

Adrian Raeside cartoon: Whale calf, ferry cancellations, and morons in the forest

Letters April 13: Improving primary health care; ferry reservations unfair; threatened on Douglas Street

Letters April 13: Improving primary health care; ferry reservations unfair; threatened on Douglas Street

Comment: Police should not be the only adults welcomed in schools

Comment: Police should not be the only adults welcomed in schools

I was never a teacher or a trustee, but I was Alberta’s education minister for seven years.
Les Leyne: An up-close look at drug safe-supply diversion

Les Leyne: An up-close look at drug safe-supply diversion

The two views of how safe supply actually works have been crashing into each other with increasing frequency lately in the political world.
Editorial: Don't be fooled: Nicotine pouches are not candy

Editorial: Don't be fooled: Nicotine pouches are not candy

In February, Health Minister Adrian Dix banned the sale of nicotine pouches in convenience stores.
Comment: Schedules work against Gulf Islands ferry users

Comment: Schedules work against Gulf Islands ferry users

This is a transport system where one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing.
Letters April 12: Excluding the disabled, invest in the planet, cats don't stink

Letters April 12: Excluding the disabled, invest in the planet, cats don't stink

Adrian Raeside cartoon: They'll be paying the bills

Adrian Raeside cartoon: They'll be paying the bills

Comment: Many reasons to wonder about Victoria

Comment: Many reasons to wonder about Victoria

A commentary by a retired professional engineer and planner who lives in Victoria.
Letters April 11: A property donation for the Art Gallery; feeling safe in hospitals

Letters April 11: A property donation for the Art Gallery; feeling safe in hospitals