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I'm sitting in the lobby of the Crystal Pool & Fitness Centre, blogging away...when one of the employees comes up to the row of vending machines to my right, she turns to me and says, "Awww...well...
Higher, stronger, faster!

Higher, stronger, faster!

Great news. My various broken bones are mending and my attitude is improving. I was really frustrated for awhile that I couldn't move without pain, and being competitive, I don't like to get left behind.
Comment: Girls in sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ face violence, mental-health challenges

Comment: Girls in sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ face violence, mental-health challenges

Saman Ahsan As Canadian girls grow up, they’re told time and again that they can be whoever they want to be. The reality is far less ideal.
Les Leyne: Nurses’ union raid sore point for NDP

Les Leyne: Nurses’ union raid sore point for NDP

The smallest bill of the session prompted one of the longest, most intense debates. It was a one-line amendment that recognizes several thousand licensed practical nurses have left the Hospital Employees Union to join the sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ Nurses’ Union.
Geoff Johnson: Team Boy has some real catching up to do

Geoff Johnson: Team Boy has some real catching up to do

Having grown beyond boyhood myself, notwithstanding my wife’s vigorous assertions to the contrary, it is of more than passing interest to see that achievement levels of boys on both provincial and international tests of reading are somewhat lower tha
Week 8 - Life's too short :(

Week 8 - Life's too short :(

Week 8 - What did I learn this week: 1. That life's too short to not be happy! I'm not really sure where the blog is going to go this week as my thoughts are kinda all over the place right now...
William Watson: Middle class doesn’t need help of politicians

William Watson: Middle class doesn’t need help of politicians

As the saying goes, God must love poor people, He created so many of them. The Almighty might still love the poor, but these days, politicians love the middle class.
Iain Hunter: Caucus should choose the party leader

Iain Hunter: Caucus should choose the party leader

Members of the Liberal Party of sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ appear poised to make Justin Trudeau their leader. Generously, or because they’re looking for scapegoats if things go wrong for them again, they’ve invited total strangers to help them do it.
Monique Keiran: Rats seem to like seats of government

Monique Keiran: Rats seem to like seats of government

Seats of government seem to have problems with rats. A case in point: During the first half of sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½â€™s existence as a nation, so many rats lived on Parliament Hill, they fed a large colony of feral cats.
Elizabeth Payne: Quinoa could be good for poor farmers

Elizabeth Payne: Quinoa could be good for poor farmers

Go ahead and eat quinoa; Angst about the rising cost of the faddish Andean superfood is misplaced In a modern tale of food fad-ism, geopolitics and trade, quinoa — a once-obscure Andean seed crop with a hard-to-pronounce name (KEEN-wah) — is quickly