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A whiff of marijuana smoke from a passing car

A whiff of marijuana smoke from a passing car

During the summer, riding home on my bicycle at night along Blanshard Street, I would occasionally encounter the unmistakable smell of marijuana smoke as cars passed me or pulled up beside me at stop lights.
Comment: No pipelines? Then no life as we know it

Comment: No pipelines? Then no life as we know it

With one terrific sentence, a sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ editorial on a Victoria neighbourhood issue highlights what’s missing from any rational discussion of a much bigger issue in sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ — oil and gas pipelines. The Jan.
Graham Thomson: Neil Young is singing off-key on the oilsands

Graham Thomson: Neil Young is singing off-key on the oilsands

As a songwriter, Neil Young is known for his poetic turns of phrase. He has, after all, seen the needle and the damage done. So, it’s not surprising that when describing Alberta’s oilsands, he compared them to the site of an atomic explosion.
Les Leyne: Victoria needs to raise its party game

Les Leyne: Victoria needs to raise its party game

So you want to throw a party to properly mark the sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½
My favourite ways for making Internet searches more precise

My favourite ways for making Internet searches more precise

Typing a few key words into search engines such as Google and Bing often doesn’t yield what I’m after. Here are my favourite ways for honing searches. — Put quote marks around a phrase.
Les Leyne: Questions remain on mill explosion

Les Leyne: Questions remain on mill explosion

You can count on hearing more about the fatal Babine Forest Products mill explosion when the legislature resumes sitting next month.
Geoff Johnson: Special-needs education requires funding

Geoff Johnson: Special-needs education requires funding

The sa¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ Ministry of Education’s Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines explains the responsibilities of boards of education regarding the placement of children with special needs.
Mining the Collective Unconscious: An interview with Nick Bantock.

Mining the Collective Unconscious: An interview with Nick Bantock.

'You cannot separate art from life or spirituality. They are bound together in a single unit’, says Nick Bantock, master artist and author. I had asked Bantock if he would talk to me about his practice as an artist on the recommendation of a friend.
The many ways websites reject you

The many ways websites reject you

Like humans, websites need to rest once in a while. Sometimes it’s scheduled, sometimes not.
Betrayed by my own Twitter feed

Betrayed by my own Twitter feed

When is something private no longer private? When you post it on Twitter, of course. Paulina Gretzky knows this. Any of the Kardashians know this. I know this. Here's my less explicit example.