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Film fans invited to pick short docs for festival

Movie buffs have a chance to help pick the lineup of short documentaries for the 19th annual Victoria Film Festival in February at a special View and Vote event that's running for the next few weeks.
Thinking outside the Cage: A tribute

Thinking outside the Cage: A tribute

Artists pay homage to avant-garde composer

Concerts feature Mozart, Ellington's sacred music

As was the case a few weeks ago, an uncommonly busy and varied lineup of concerts looms this weekend, and indeed throughout November, as local groups wrap up their fall seasons before the annual glut of holiday music begins with the turn of December.
Dazzling display for Diwali

Dazzling display for Diwali

DANCE Be dazzled Saturday as the city's South Asian community celebrates Diwali - the festival of lights - one of the most important celebrations of the year for practicing Hindus.

Go Calendar

FRIDAY NOV 9 AUTHOR Planet Earth Poetry: Isa Milman and John Barton at Moka House, 1633 Hillside Ave., 7: 30 p.m. Cost: $3; planetearthpoetry DANCE Lessons Argentine Tango. Beginners workshop at 8 p.m.

Twilight star bites into real estate

Kristen Stewart's new home features tropical landscaping and a spa
How to use nutritional yeast in squash soup

How to use nutritional yeast in squash soup

It's awfully hard to get excited about a food called "nutritional yeast flakes." It sounds like something you either need a prescription to get, or a prescription to get rid of. Even worse, it resembles yellow flaked fish food.
Soup like Julia made

Soup like Julia made

A splash of red wine adds colour and rich taste to this glorious, cheese-topped onion concoction

This junkie needs a regular fix of Marmite

There are specific crises that trigger panic attacks in our kitchen. We panic when we run out of wine, for example. I personally go into meltdown if we're getting low on garlic. A shortage of butter will send us both into swoons of despair.

Fall cuttings grow into summer glory

Dear Helen: How can I save my geranium plants for setting out again in the garden next spring? K.M. Dear K.M.: I'm guessing you have zonal geraniums (Pelargonium hortorum), the most popular for summer display in garden beds and containers.