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Daredevil's dive will be stratospheric

Felix Baumgartner to put his life on the line in 36.5-kilometre free-fall at up to 1,125 km/h

Meet the writers of So You Think You Can Write, read their work

The judges have spoken. Four finalists have emerged at the top of So You Think You Can Write, the sa国际传媒's third annual public writing competition.

Last-minute turkey tips

Food writer Eric Akis offers helpful Thanksgiving dinner advice that you can be thankful for


Jim Hume >C10
Back-to-school blues

Back-to-school blues

Adjusting to new teachers and classmates is hard, but kids are tougher than parents realize

Seniors ignoring heart attack medication: study

Older people who have suffered a heart attack often don't stick with the drugs their doctor prescribes, although the medications have been proven to save lives, according to a new study.

Surgery or catheter for aortic valve?

Dear doctors: My wife and I face a dilemma. Her aortic valve is narrowed and needs replacement. We have two options: tran-scatheter replacement of the valve, or cracking the breastbone open to reach the valve.

Rules different for son, 20, living at home

Last week, we had a question from a parent looking for advice on how to treat an adult son living at home.

Where's the beef? infants need Iron-rich foods

When Carli Sussman's son Oliver was five months old, she and her husband started giving him cooked meat to suck on as an adjunct to the breast milk he was getting as his primary diet.

Nurturing creativity in our digital world

Experts behind new book say kids need to learn sensory alphabet