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Spiritually Speaking

Working together for common good a joyful experience

UVic Multifaith Services - A model for multi-faith co-operation

New Year's Resolutions and The Three R's of Resolve

I’ve never managed to keep a New Year’s resolution for more than a few weeks. I know I’m not alone. But this Advent, I discovered some new insights into the idea of resolve that provoked me to further consideration.

Choose words that will inspire, not destroy

When 2016 drew to a close, it can be said that the world took a collective breath of relief. It was a year that seemed rife with disappearing hope, innocence, and justice.

Preparing the heart and mind for Rohatsu Sesshin

Recently I’ve become aware of another aspect of this beautiful, centuries-old Zen form: the period of time leading up to the 8-day December intensive called Rohatsu.

Straight to the heart of Zen

You can start meditation for any of a number of very good reasons. These days, the benefits of mindfulness are ubiquitous in the media. I call it the shopping list path to a happier life.

Christmas image depicts vulnerability of joy and peace

Christmas Eve is upon us. The cityscape has been transformed by brightly coloured lights, festive decorations and displays. Carolers serenade shoppers, and there are signs of changes in peoples’ day to day life.

Holiday Mash-ups: Chrismukkah, Hannukmas and Festivus for the Rest of Us

Human beings are sense-making beings who create rituals and cultural norms as a way to function individually and with others in every day life.

Gambling game a reminder of risks taken in the past

Have you ever watched something on TV that you know your housemates (parents, siblings, spouse, partner) would disapprove of? Did you keep the remote-control handy, just in case you needed to change the channel quickly to a program that wouldn’t get

Is there a cure for spiritual disability?

Last Saturday, I declared Spiritual Disability as one of the biggest, if not the biggest, challenge facing mankind today. Its causes, from the Hindu perspective, are the taamasik or dark qualities of man.

Spiritual Disability is our biggest challenge

If I were to ask you to name a well-known endeavor where disability is a requirement, what would your reply be? The first thing that jumps to mind is probably Paralympics.