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Your Good Health: Benefit of COVID vaccine outweighs risk

Your Good Health: Benefit of COVID vaccine outweighs risk

Dear Dr. Roach: I’m a teacher scheduled to get the Pfizer vaccine on Friday. My mom keeps sending me stuff about why I shouldn’t get it — fear of what it will do to the immune system in the future.

Your Good Health: Antibodies in donated plasma help protect recipients

Dear Dr. Roach: I have had both COVID-19 vaccinations and am planning to donate blood. Would any of my immunity pass on to the person receiving my blood? D.J.
Your Good Health: People with IgA deficiencies can be more prone to some infections

Your Good Health: People with IgA deficiencies can be more prone to some infections

Dear Dr. Roach: A few years ago, my sister was diagnosed with an IgA deficiency, which is an autoimmune disorder. She was told by her doctor to avoid large crowds and to never shake hands with anyone.
Your Good Health: Would doubling up on vaccines result in better protection?

Your Good Health: Would doubling up on vaccines result in better protection?

Dear Dr. Roach: My wife and I are grateful to have recently received our second Moderna vaccine.
Your Good Health: Sleeping on edge of pillow may ease TMJ

Your Good Health: Sleeping on edge of pillow may ease TMJ

Dear Dr. Roach: I have seen several doctors for my TMJ: my primary doctor and dentist, an ear nose and throat doctor, the dental hygienist and also “ask Google.
Your Good Health: Cardiac monitor can store info if cell service spotty

Your Good Health: Cardiac monitor can store info if cell service spotty

Dear Dr. Roach: Many years ago, I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and then was on medication for 10+ years. I eventually had an ablation done, and I am finally back in normal rhythm. I have been off all meds for AFib for more than a year.
Your Good Health: 'Best' COVID vaccine for most people is one that's offered first

Your Good Health: 'Best' COVID vaccine for most people is one that's offered first

Dear Dr. Roach: Could you explain the science behind the new Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine? I hear it differs from the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines as it does not contain the mRNA and is only a single dose.
Your Good Health: Gout not commonly found in the ankle joint

Your Good Health: Gout not commonly found in the ankle joint

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 76-year-old woman in reasonably good health. Around Thanksgiving last year, my left ankle was swollen, red and very painful. I thought it was tendonitis, so I stopped going for my half-hour walks in the morning.
Your Good Health: Vein surgery low risk for people with mild liver disease

Your Good Health: Vein surgery low risk for people with mild liver disease

Dear Dr. Roach: I have liver disease (my doctor calls it mild cirrhosis) and terrible, painful varicose veins. Is it safe for me to get a vein stripping? V.P.
Your Good Health: Neurologist can give second opinion on spinal stenosis

Your Good Health: Neurologist can give second opinion on spinal stenosis

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 77-year-old woman with spinal stenosis and have been treated by a pain-management doctor for several years. My pain is from my neck down to my lower back and radiates to my legs.